Videoboodschap van Pietro Adamoli

helaas kon hij niet aanwezig zijn bij onze feestavond

Wij hebben Pietro Adamoli, drijvende kracht achter de Olympiajollen in Italie en goed bevriend met diverse van onze Olympiajol zeilers die zich meerdere keren hebben ingespannen om de EURO wedstrijden in Italie te organiseren, uitgenodigd voor de jubileum-avond. Helaas kon Pietro de tijd niet vinden en stuurde ons afgelopen zaterdagmiddag onderstaande (video) boodschap.


Dear IOU Holland,


Thank you very much for this invitation, I’ve tried until the very last minute to find a way to join you all for this awesome event, but unluckily it’s not been possible: since the Covid emergency has started, I’ve decided to jump on the first line to help anyone affected by this virus. As you know for sure, Lombardy had the worst situation last year and even now that things are doing better, there are a lot of things to do: now I manage a special ”Covid Crew” that can be sent anywhere in Lombardy in order to face the worst cases.


I have so many nice memories because of OJolle Class. Thanks to Rudy Den Outer and its ”Vintage Yachting Games” Event I’ve been able to discover a really interesting boat and a cool group of sailors. To realize the OJolle Eurocup on lake Como, with Max, Herman and Martin, has been a great challenge and a wonderful occasion to know better the ”Dutch Way of Sailing”. I’m so thankful for having been nominated a Lifetime Member of the Dutch Class; I promise, once this madness will get to an end, I’ll join you on water.


I’ve made a short video, with the idea of joining you all, at least virtually: (


I wish you all a great time, I look forward to the next time we’ll meet again; keep in mind you have a in a tiny village on Lake Como.




pietro adamoli pietro adamoli