Measurements 2021

Equipment check Olympiajol ONK 2021

Netherlands Participants of the ONK are given the opportunity to present their boat and sails for inspection before the start of the races. The Class inspectors register and check whether everything is in accordance with the Class regulations of the Olympiajol (see website) and/or the ISAF- rules. Nothing less and nothing more. If a deviation is found, the sailor has ample opportunity to rectify or adjust this before the competitions start. If the sailor refuses to do so, the Class Inspector is obliged to lodge a protest against the sailor. Whether or not this observed deviation has an influence on, for example, the sailing characteristics is not up for discussion. Of course, sailors or fleets can always ask the Class inspector - Toon Neijman or Theo Meus - to carry out so-called test checks. These are without obligation and without possible consequences. Take a second look at your boat, the Class regulations are on our site, and make sure it’s all done! Among other things, it checks for:

- 14.1 Presence towline, mooring rope, bailer, paddle and life jacket

- 16.2 Each sailor may offer a maximum of two sails to mark

- 7.8.5 Is there a compensation weight in accordance with the measurement report

- 9.1 The rudder must be retrievable 9.1 The front of the rudder blade must not pass through the line with frame 0 in the lowered position

- 9.1 Marking position rudder blade present

All participants are requested to report with their boat (and the official measurement report) on Thursday 2 September; if it is not possible for a participant to be present on Thursday, he/she is kindly requested to report this in time to the Class Inspector 06-51854684 or (

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